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Three Feet Away

If I was walking faster or a little bit slower - I would have been three feet away from a giant tree branch crashing down on me and changing my life. I would have missed it - or rather it would have missed me. But it didn’t. It hit me square on the left shoulder breaking multiple ribs, bones off my spine, my clavicle and scapula. It knocked me to the ground and knocked my life into another realm - for a few weeks maybe a month or two - or so I thought. And then healing began to happen - but just so slowly. Two weeks became two months. Those months became a half of a year. A half of a year! How on earth does one falling tree branch actually hit someone out for a beautiful walk and then take a half of a year of their life? Doesn’t that sound absolutely crazy?

And then I knew. I knew I was not cut out to go back to that old life. I was not cut out to return to the 8-5 that I was living in. I needed bigger, freer, different. So I did it. With a high five and go get ‘em from my brilliant husband - I did it. I quit my job and decided to do what I knew was my next right step - consulting and Emotional Release Therapy. It felt exactly right until I realized that there was something else inside. There was something that needed to ‘become’. That’s when I knew I had to create, begin and share The Alignment Principle. This baby kept showing up. It kept asking me to pay attention. It kept saying - the planet needs this. We need this. You need this. So with my spare time, my stolen moments I slowly started to give shape and meaning to this movement. It came slowly with multiple starts and shifts but has continued to grow, morph and become. I help people who feel stuck personally and/or professionally find their truest alignment. By aligning the mind, body, spirit and vocation they find their ultimate clarity and freedom. I listened to a brilliant TedX talk by Ishita Gupta one cold and beautiful Wednesday afternoon sitting at my kitchen table and she told a story of a miner named Darby in the late 1800’s who had found gold only to have found a little. He was not able to find where it began or ended...he only found a very little. Another miner hired a mining expert, took him to the site where Darby found this gold and the expert was able to locate the vein - the mother load - and it was a mere 3 feet away from where Darby stopped looking. Three feet. Can you imagine finding out that news? What struck me as she was brilliantly storytelling is - your breakthrough is only three feet away. I sat there in awe listening with tears. She’s right. My breakthrough was only three feet away - I just needed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time (or so I thought) to be able to let this be the thing. I’m moving forward with my breakthrough. It’s so close. I can actually see it. And I cannot wait to share it with you.

And she’s right. Our next breakthrough is really only three feet away. Are you ready to find out which way?

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