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There is something about the holidays that seems to shine a giant spotlight on our bullshit.

Does this sound familiar?

I can't be honest with my family.

I ALWAYS forget something.

I'm too busy pleasing everyone to make this a good time of year for me.

I HATE this time of year.

If these or other stories sound familiar it's because we've heard this, told ourselves this and believed it for a very long time. Are these things REALLY true though? Can we REALLY not be honest? What if we were? What if they didn't like it? What IF they didn't like it? Would the world end or would it be uncomfortable? Would uncomfort be okay for a little bit if we were able to be fully honest?

Do you always forget something for real or have you forgot a few things in your life but you've been labeled forgetful? What if that story was not true? What if that story kept you playing small and kept you from fully being present in your life?

What if you could drop those stories? What if they were in your head and body - but didn't need to be? What would you be without them? Who are you without them? Who could you BE without them?

We don't have to live this way anymore.

You can let it go. I'm cheering for you.

Step into the spotlight with you being fully you and see how much freedom that will give you.



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